Healing Foot Wash
2015 Burning Man, Burning Man, Burning Man Pictures, Camp, News

Healing Foot Wash camp at Burning Man 2015

Some more pictures from our time at Burning Man 2015. Over a thousand people had their feet washed and also had the opportunity to give the gift of washing feet at Burning Man this year. A lot of work and a great success!

Happy campers
2015 Burning Man, Burning Man, Burning Man Pictures, Camp, News

Arrived to 40-50 MPH windstorms, setting up our Burning Man theme camp

We finally arrived and were warned at Greeters that there were 40-50 MPH wind storm gusts predicted for that evening, so batten everything down that we didn’t want to blow away. We would have multiple white-out windstorms over the next couple of setup days but made the best of it and had a great time getting everything setup for our Healing Foot Wash camp.

Kind of dusty!

Kind of dusty!

Goggles and face masks came in handy

Goggles and face masks came in handy

Starting to build out our shade structure

Starting to build out our shade structure

Pretty hair

Pretty hair

Pretty hair

Pretty hair

Dusty tents

Dusty tents

Carol hammering in rebar in the wind storm

Carol hammering in rebar in the wind storm

Core of the shade structure is erected

Core of the shade structure is erected

First part of the shade cloth assembled

First part of the shade cloth assembled

Working on prepping shade cloth

Working on prepping shade cloth

Waiting out a white-out dust storm at Burning Man

Waiting out a white-out dust storm at Burning Man

White out!

White out!

Happy campers

Happy campers

Shade structure coming together!

Shade structure coming together!

Pausing for some rest

Pausing for some rest

Foot wash station chairs setup

Foot wash station chairs setup

Working on setting up

Working on setting up

Happy campers

Happy campers

Happy campers

Happy campers

Dust storm left a lot of dust!

Dust storm left a lot of dust!

Dusty sleeping bags inside of tent

Dusty sleeping bags inside of tent

Dust storm left a lot of dust!

Dust storm left a lot of dust!

Hanging out after everything is setup

Hanging out after everything is setup

Healing Foot Wash camp setup!

Healing Foot Wash camp setup! – “But do you have a flag?”

Healing Foot Wash camp setup!

Healing Foot Wash camp setup!

Off the main road now!
2015 Burning Man, Burning Man, Burning Man Pictures, News

From Reno to Black Rock City, on our way!

We finally made it to the playa and then proceeded to wait in line (even though we’re Early Arrival there are still thousands of folks also waiting to get in even though it’s 2 days before public entry).

Working on evapotron
2015 Burning Man, Burning Man, Burning Man Pictures, Camp, Evapotron, News, Video

Evapotron update – all assembled and spinning!

Building evapotron
2015 Burning Man, Burning Man, Burning Man Pictures, Camp, Evapotron, News, Video

Working on our evapotron

Washing feet at Burning Man results in some gray water that needs to be evaporated or brought back home.  We’ve been working on building an evapotron to help evaporate water while we’re on the playa.  Mark, Rachel and Anna Lisa did a great job on this!

Building evapotron

Building evapotron

Building evapotron

Building evapotron

Building evapotron

Building evapotron

Building evapotron

Building evapotron

Building evapotron


We were asked to move our Burning Man theme camp stuff out of the Berkeley CSO basement and storage space.  It was a good opportunity to consolidate and find a new home for our infrastructure.

2015 Burning Man, Burning Man, Burning Man Pictures, Camp, News

Moving out of the Berkeley CSO to our new storage location

2015 Burning Man, Burning Man, Camp, News, Placement

Healing Foot Wash Camp Receives Placement for 2015 Burning Man!

2015 Burning Man Map

We’re excited to have been given Placement for 2015 Burning Man!!!  In 2014 Healing Foot Wash camp was located at 9:05 and I.  This year we have been Placed at 5:30 and B.  This is very close to Center Camp and will put our camp right in the heart of all the action.


It is our pleasure to inform you that Healing Foot Wash has been officially placed for Burning Man 2015: Carnival of Mirrors!

Your approximate location is 5:30 & Ballyhoo  and will measure approximately 100 by 50.  If your dimensions contain a + or – sign, it means your camp is an odd shape.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at Burning Man this year!  Come by and have your feet washed and join us in washing feet yourself. 🙂

2015 Burning Man, Camp, News, Planning

2015 Burning Man Theme Camp Placement Application Submitted!

2015 Healing Foot Wash Placement layout

Thanks to help and urging from Rainbow Rachel and Anna Lisa, we just finished our 2015 Burning Man Placement application for Healing Foot Wash.  Hopefully we’ll get placed into the 6:00 sector this year, but if that doesn’t work out second choice is 9:00 streets or plaza area.

Camp/Village Name?
Healing Foot Wash

Interactivity Description
We are bringing foot washing to Burning Man for the third year in a row.  We have a proven 4 step process that uses a total of about 1/2 cup of water per person and leaves them feeling wonderful, refreshed and relaxed.  We have a beautiful 40’x60′ open shade structure that encourages visitors to wander into camp and sit in our comfortable and sturdy chairs.  We have a single rule for the foot washing experience — You must have your feet washed by another person before you are allowed to wash someone else’s feet.  Each visitor is encouraged to participate both as a recipient and as a giver.  Our visitors regularly spend between 15 minutes to several hours enjoying the oasis environment.  This is a true practice of love and service, operating from just after breakfast (~9am) to dinner time (~6pm) every day.

Here are some experiences camp members had last year:

Project Interactivity
Primarily Day Time,Acculturation for First time Burners,Chill Space,Create an Environment,Entertaining Guests,Environmentally conscious,Meditation,Services Rendered,Shared Experience,Theme-related activities

Number of Campmates
16 to 20

We invite each visitor to directly participate both as a recipient and as a giver of a fantastic foot wash experience.  This is both practical and loving, and is one of the best gifts we know how to give.

Physical Description
We have a 40’x60′ established shade structure that provides billowing silver shade cloth protection from the sun.  It is 12′ tall in the center and is open on all sides.

We have carpet and beautiful heavy cushioned chairs for people to sit on and relax while their feet are being washed.  Each person is encouraged to stay as long as they wish.

We use primarily batteries and solar panels for power needs.  No generators.

Tents and vehicles are kept near the back of the camp.  The feeling of the camp is very open and welcoming.

Know anyone who is going to Burning Man this year who might like to join our camp?  Drop me a line: gserafini@gmail.com
